I like posting stuff here, it's kinda neat. Just a little corner of the web where I can talk into said corner.
Anyways, we made very tasty brownies. Melted chocolate into the batter, used this non-dairy butter the wife made since she's lactose intolerant. Very very tasty, and super fudgy. An underdone brownie is the best brownie.
I've been procrastinating working on my NGADM track while I figure out what I actually wanted to do. I've been listening to a lot of Syro from aphex, so I'm thinking I might try doing my tried and true laid-back technoy type stuff again. I'm way too out of practice on synthwave to try doing another one of those tracks right now. I haven't even finished the mixes on the three latest ones I've done.
I'll go lug my desktop over into the studio so I can get REAPER talking with all the misfit toys in there. Maybe I can bash out a neat bass line or some chord progs. Get some drum lines laid out as well.
Anyways, have a good end of the weekend! Another week cometh.